Sunday 28 August 2011


So as August draws to a close and the first twinges of Autumn begin to set in, it's time for a Crayfish Party. Swedish friends held an incredible one last night, with 10 kilos of live crayfish bought from Billingsgate on Friday and cooked until the early hours of Saturday. Potatoes, rye bread, home made aioli and lots of dill made quite a spread. Many bottles (!) of white wine c/o Borough Wines and the weather relenting from horizontal rain for the evening meant it felt like one of the best outdoor eats of the summer!

Robert and Sam who put on yesterdays evening will soon be opening a cafe with lots of cold Scandi treats and some delicious coffee very soon. SKÅL!!

There were also a couple of buttery, salmon quiches alongside that TUB of cray fish!
My first plate. I got through a lot more. Though nothing to rival the 40 odd shells one enthusiastic Swede managed.
The Swedish Chef!

Below artwork (C) 2011 Martha Pym. Note her attention to detail on the claw juice spilling out as this delicious limb is snapped from the crayfish body and ready to be eaten. Roll on next year!

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